Saturday, February 26, 2005

Either Someone is Lying...

Or Franke Potente, star of Run Lola Run, wants to know if people think she is hot. Oddly enough after 250 votes, she currently only getting a 6.2. I think it would be higher if they used the color photo with the cool red hair.

Those crazy Scots

The Scotsman
Sat 26 Feb 2005

Student plans 'crime spree' breaking odd American laws


A MADCAP student is embarking on an epic 18,000-mile journey across the United States to break the law in a "crime" spree worthy of Bonnie and Clyde.

Fortunately, his transgressions are not likely to land him in jail, because he will break only bizarre and arcane legislation, such as the prohibition against falling asleep in any cheese factory in South Dakota.

Richard Smith, 23, from Portreath in Cornwall, will also attempt to play cards with a Native American, which is against the law in Globe, Arizona.

He will flout the authorities by loudly declaiming "Oh Boy!" in Jonesborough, Georgia, and by driving round the town square in Oxford, Mississippi, more than 100 times on a single occasion.

Mr Smith’s other planned "illegal" exploits include playing golf in the streets of Albany, New York, and whale hunting in Salt Lake City, Utah - a state with no coastline.

"I got the idea when I was playing a board game with my neighbour in 2002," he said.

"The game featured laws which were ludicrous and I thought they would be enjoyable to break for real."

Mr Smith is in talks with a publisher about a book and he plans to document his experiences on broadcast-quality film, in case television companies show an interest. He said: "I’m excited about the trip and the prospect of a book."

Mr Smith intends to break 40 strange state and town laws as he crosses the United States, and fittingly he will begin his journey at Alcatraz, the former prison island off San Francisco.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thanks for continuing the hateful sterotypes

i'm sure some of you occasionally surf other blogs at random. If not, you can do so by clicking on the button on the top-right corner of the screen. Today I found this gem... The Dominion Family

I would just like to personally say that I thank you Dominion Family Especially the enlightened look at women in your February 23 post. I thank you oh so very much for your work in continuing the disgusting sterotypes that hurt all of us sane Evangelical Christians. No, no. Don't stop writing. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, "Thank you for making us into a group of insane, close-minded, hateful fanatics.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Wank wank, wank a Rock Star wank.

I'm getting so tired of hearing people use the term Rock Star. Rock Star this Rock Star that.
"Ooh I got a Rock Star Parking spot."
"Do you like my new hair cut? The stylist was a total Rock Star."
"Hey I just got back from the grocery store. Aren't these some Rock Star tomatoes?"

For crying out loud. You sound retarded. There once was a time where this was ok, but it has long worn out its welcome.
Maybe you think I'm overreacting, if that is the case I submit exhibit A

I'm sorry if you think that you can say it, because you have always said it, and haven't just picked it up. If that's the case then you of all people should be leading the way in the stoppage of this horrid adjective. If you do, I will fully support your use of it in upcoming years as you try to make "early-21st-century retro-cool." As for now give it a rest.
Unless you are this guy...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Song Of The Week

This weeks song is
off of the album "Stranger Than Fiction" by Bad Religion. This was a spectacular album from the mid-nineties that I completely forgot I owned. That is until a week ago when I came across it while documenting and categorizing. I put it in and remembered how awesome it was. So I thought I would share it.

Bad Religion's "Inner Logic"

enjoy it this week while working in your office.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

This movie was spectacular. You must see it. I swear Clint Eastwood must have the "midas touch."

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Song Of The Week: Slobberbone "DownTown Again"

This week song is my new favorite song by my most recent favorite band, who unfortuantely is breaking up and on their final tour. they will be in Chicago March 4th. So you should go see them, because they rock.

Tour Dates

Slobberbone: Slippage
Song: Down Town Again

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Life and Death

This morning my fish finally died. I new it was coming since he wouldn't eat, but couldn't do much. I felt bad disposing of him as he was still alive, so I let him die in peace.

These were some flowers I bought a week ago for 6 dollars. They look better than when I bought them, and some of them are still opening.

Lastly, Congratulations Randy and Karen on your new daughter.
If you would like more details on this please visit their website right here

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another New Member of The Family

Oh yeah. I upgraded the other day and got a brand new sweet drill. Its a 14.4 volt. Just makes you look for a reason to make a hole. Or screw things.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Song Of The Week: Cake "Palm Of Your Hand"

This is a song off of Cake's newest album "Pressure Chief." It's a real good song that i seem to find myself singing all of the time.

Cake "Palm Of Your Hand"

now that you love, go buy it.

New Shoes

I got a new pair of new balances yesterday nothin special but they are classic.