Friday, December 21, 2012

#10 and #11 Looper

Now this movie is pretty good. Not so good that you should see it twice; I just happened to have he opportunity to see it twice. The first time I told Vonny I would buy her $3.00 ticket if she told the guy at the counter that she wanted to see pooper. She did. He just said "One for Looper." and took my money. Its kind of a fun time-travel action flick. I many times was reminded of Terminator 2.  I say T2, because its better than the original, but I suppose Looper can be compared to the original Terminator if that is your thing., even Sarah Connor Chronicles or Terminator 3, but definitely not Terminator: Salvation. That movie just sucked. I would rank the movies as such:

1. Terminator 2
2. Terminator
3. Sarah Connor Chronicles
4. Looper
5. Terminator 3
6. Black Knight (starring Martin Lawrence)
7. Terminator: Salvation



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