Saturday, February 25, 2006


after watching Big Lebowski the other day i was feeling the need to go bowling. We went last night to this cool alley located on the second floor of a building over a hardware store. My first game i only bowled a 71. My second game however I caught on fire improving my score all the way up to 106. It was a good time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


today i received a copy of the letter submitted by my boss stating that i can go take my Journeymen's test on March 8th. I've been expecting it, so its not a huge deal. This is essentially what i have been working for the last five years. The real celebration will be after i find out if i pass.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

my other blog

if you want to be updated on my other myspace blog here is its rss feed.

What A Long Day

Well I just woke up from sleeping 11 straight hours. For those of you who know me that is strange, and my back is really stiff. We went to the Auto Show yesterday after tearing our some of our carpet. It was a good time. Chrysler/Dodge showed clearly again why they are the only American auto company doing layoffs. The new Challenger is a beautiful car, though not into production you could definately tell it will be soon by people's reactions. The same goes for there Chysler Imperial.

Vonny's highlight was finding the new car she wants. The Honda fit (is that like being physically fit or throwing a fit.)

The car will be released in April and they aren't sayi8ng anything aspec why about it, except that it could be getting gas mileage of 35/45 and be priced between 13k and 15k. Guess we'll see.

I on the other hand liked this car the best and can't wait for it to hit the showfloors.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Arrested Development

Tonight will be the final episode of the brilliant but underwatched Arrested Development. Tune in to Fox during primetime. Don't watch the Olympics.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Google Talk

I am now on Google Talk if you would rather talk to me than instant message

Thursday, February 02, 2006



i have a list of items in the sidebar that you can have for the cost of shipping. if something strikes your fancy email me. I prefer paypal payments. If youwanna just pick it up then these items would be free. Everything not sold goes to Goodwill


man i love coffee. I probably drink 6-8 cups on an average day. I'm usually a French Roast person ccasionally dabbling in Hazelnut when I want a flavored coffee. I am currently waiting for Trader Joe's Australian Fancy to brew. They say it's a medium dark roast on the can. If you have a Trader Joes near you I would urge you to buy their coffee it is very good and very affordable.