Sunday, April 12, 2009

#7 "Fast and Furious"

A film that just continues a string of awesomeness. This time it mixes things up a little bit by giving the traditional motorhead something to root for. A stronger concentration on classics with frontline use of a 1970 Chevelle, 1970 Charger and 1972 Gran Torino. I am temporarily crowning this the Greatest Quadrilogy Ever. Temporarily because Terminator 4 will be out in a month. I think a special Oscar should be given to films that know what they are and don't try to be something else. Why are all the Fast and Furious movies completely AWESOME? 3 items: fast cars, hot women, and unbelievable chase scenes. All four movies promise it, and all four movies deliver it.

Fast and Furious
Highly Recommended (for the above 3 reasons)

For those purely interested in the film's cars


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