Saturday, June 06, 2009

#10 Terminator: Salvation

Ok, so in the past I made a proclamation that Terminator: Salvation would unseat Fast and Furious (2009) as the best quadrilogy ever. I was definitely wrong. I hadn't been this excited for a movie in quite awhile. However, it ended up being quite the let down. It is basically just a big dumb loud action movie. It offers little in the way of intelligent storytelling that had been demonstrated by other parts of the Terminator universe. I wouldn't say skip the film, but don't go out of your way to see it. The perfect time would be some dreary and damp fall weekend when you happen upon it at the video store.

Not Recommended
Terminator: Salvation


Blogger Roxanne said...

did not know you had a blog, although since we have ZERO movie theaters the only movies we see are the ones we download with our incrediably terrible internet speed :) miss you all!

6:17 AM  

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