Tuesday, January 01, 2008

#40 "Into The Wild"

I was impressed with how well "Into the Wild" played. It is completely watchable without having read the book. There were a few interesting details of the main character's, Chris', childhood that were added to the movie that didn't exist in the book. These details helped add some reason to why Chris left on his travels. I assume that since the film says that the family aided in the making of the film that these are details that have either come to light in the last decade, or that the family was now willing to make them public, and not just Hollywood glorifications. I also realize that little of this is probably Making Sense to you if you haven't read the book. Well then. If you have read the book - see the movie. If you have seen the movie - read the book. If you haven't done either - go do both.

"Into The Wild"


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