Sunday, December 16, 2007

#35 "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead"

This film is being heralded as one of the best of the year. I would say it maybe cracks my top 10. I saw it with 4 others, three of whom hated it. It follows a non-linear path which didn't bother me, but did most all others seeing it. Personally I think they were just looking for another reason to dislike it. Especially since they all like Tarantino. It has an interesting premise, but a group of characters that no one could like. I wold say that if you want to go see this then instead go to the video store and rent Sidney Lumet's best film "Dog Day Afternoon"

Best line in reaction to the film: "If I never see a Phillip Seymore Hoffman sex scene again it will be too soon."

Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
somewhat recommended


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