Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I was dissenfranchised

So I was the first person at my polling place this morning, and had to bare the difficulties of being first. When I arrived they informed me that all of the election judges who had any experience had been pulled and sent to other jurisdictions. Next I filled out my ballot, Nader, and put it into the machine. It promptly spit it out and said I had the wrong ballot. It then spit out the next three peoples. At this point they realized that they had given us all the wrong ballot. We then filled out a new ballot and were reenfranchised.

An interesting note: When Von put her ballot in 7 hours later and it spit it out because of undervote (like it does for everyone, who votes for all of the judge categories) the judge told her it was because she had a write-in vote for President and if she didn't vote for one of the major parties it wouldn't be counted. She told them she did a write-in and they said well they just throw them out anyway!
Welcome to chicago politics.


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