Sunday, October 17, 2004


Well hopefully you have registered to vote, and are gearing up to make a choice on November 2. Don't forget this isn't just any choice, this will be the most important choice you make in the next 4 years. The choice to allow yourself to complain about what is going on. Remember choosing not to vote eliminates you from all future conversations about American politics.
For Example:
you: "I hate the current elected official, he has made nothing but poor choices since being elected."
me: "oh yeah? I assume you voted for the other candidate, the one who did not win the last election."
you: "no, I did not vote. my vote does not matter anyway."
me: "shut-up, you were too lazy to spend 20 minutes voting. you have no voice in our current conversation. "

see my point now?

If you would like help on choosing who to vote for here is a helpful website that will poll you and give you the results of which candidate you most identify with.

here are my results, take them for what they are worth:
1. Cobb, David - Green Party (73%)
2. Nader, Ralph - Independent (67%)
3. Brown, Walt - Socialist Party (65%)
4. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (58%)
5. Bush, President George W. - Republican (28%)
6. Badnarik, Michael - Libertarian (23%)
7. Peroutka, Michael - Constitution Party (9%)

you can also see a rough estimate of how things are going here, based on the most current polls


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Cobb, David - Green Party (95%)
2. Nader, Ralph - Independent (90%)
3. Brown, Walt - Socialist Party (82%)
4. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (77%)
5. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (74%)
6. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (73%)
7. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (69%)
8. Clark, Wesley K., AR - Democrat (68%)
9. Moseley-Braun, Carol, IL - Democrat (68%)
10. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (65%)
11. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (65%)
12. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (37%)
13. Badnarik, Michael - Libertarian (33%)
14. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (29%)
15. Peroutka, Michael - Constitution Party (13%)
16. Bush, President George W. - Republican (4%)

4% seems a little high to me...

9:44 AM  
Blogger Laura S said...

No offense, but I disagree with the contention that if you don't vote then you lose your right to gripe. I'm actually gearing up to start the griping early for the next four years because I'm thoroughly persuaded that I'm not going to like the guy.

If any party could find a way to muster a candidate that wasn't a lame, corrupt, arrogant, dishonest, back stabbing, two-faced hypocrite, I would gladly wait in line to register my opinion at the ballot box.

However, given that the options are so miserable, I feel a moral obligation not to vote for either one ... I don't want to bear the responsibility of putting either schlep in office.

Here's why:

Kerry: From what I can tell, the last time John Kerry had an original idea was just after Vietnam, when he decided that war was bad. And, even in this case, it's unclear whether he had the assistance of any special substance.

Furthermore, he's made the epicenter of his campaign that "I'm not Bush" yet whenever he's put in the hot seat (say, on national security) he insists that he is, indeed, just like Bush.

This leads to my additional concern that no one knows who the guys is, because Kerry doesn't know who he is. He has flip flopped or flop flipped on just about every major issue during the last 20 years. The one anomaly is abortion -- where has consistently voted pro-choice, yet holds the inharmonious position that life begins at conception. Thus, in effect, he's saying, "Abortion is murder, but who am I to pass laws against murder? After all, that's an imposition of my beliefs upon others."

Bush: Where shall I start on this one? Let's see, um, I remember ... Iraq. Bush told the American people that Saddam Hussein was the wicked witch of the east (or whatever the male equivalent of a witch is) cackling in a haunted mansion, cooking up some nasty potion, and was poised to ride his broomstick over to the USA where he was going to make our entire country look like the scene at the beginning of Terminator 2. He told us that Saddam and Osama bin Laden were chums who even had special nicknames for each other (Saddam calls Osama "OB1").

The message was clear: take out Iraq or get a bumper sticker that says "Saddam/Osama 2004."

So, like good Americans, we ignored the advice of the international community, and proceeded roll into Iraq on a witch hunt. When it was announced that the mission was accomplished, the only thing we knew for sure was that there were American soldiers and Iraqi civilians dead, Halliburton had $100 billion dollars courtesy of the American people, and that Saddam occasionally ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A few weeks later we dug Saddam out of a hole, where we also established that he had Pamela Anderson posters.

This is the point when the rationalization changed from "Saddam is coming to get us" to "Saddam was a bad man, and congratulations Iraq, you're a free country." Free country? Would I think this was a free country is there were Iraqi tanks everywhere, and the Iraqis had frequent air raids of Cleveland because of insurgent fighters there? Never mind the kidnappings and car bombs.

And I haven't even gotten to the injustices of Guantanamo Bay, the "No Lobbyist Left Behind" Act or the clandestine ultra-partisan management of the Congress.

So, I'm not voting. I don't want the liability. C'mon America - with almost 300 million people, is this really the "top 2"?

11:17 PM  
Blogger Flyin J said...

Well Stated Astudee. You are allowed to complain in any future conversations, BUT NO ONE ELSE IS. Unless you can as eloquently and factually represent a case to me.

1:29 AM  

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