Saturday, March 18, 2006

A History Of Violence

Ok I feel so passionate about this movie that it needs its own space, not just being relegated to the sidebar.


I shall now give you my review:

Imagine yourself needing to go grocery shopping. The store is 1 mile away. You could drive there, or maybe walk and stop at a few interesting stores along the way. Maybe sit and watch the ducks in the pond. Instead however you decide to take the direct route, only instead of driving or walking you crawl. You slowly crawl. Crawling, crawling, crawling. There is no mystery. Whenever anyone asks what you are doing, you say that you are going to the grocery store, but for some reason you are taking the slowest way possible.

At first people are curious as to why you are doing this. All of a sudden at about your half way point, you realize that people are no longer interested in why and they go about doing something more interesting.


All of a sudden people are coming back. Why is this person yelling? Should we stay? Maybe something of interest is about to happen.

Then you get back on your knees and start crawling again with everyone watching. No one knows what to think. Is something going to happen? What could happen? They are watching someone crawl... to a grocery store.
Slightly less patiently they wait, and wait, and wait. Not wanting to miss what might happen.

Eventually, with feet tapping around you, you arrive at the store. You purchase your groceries.

You crawl home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to see that movie in the theater, but I'm glad I waited because it is pretty terrible. Hope the offer on the table for your house gets finalized. It will be good to have you in town once again. Aren't you looking forward to seeing baseball games in the Metrodome rather than at Wrigley or Comiskey?

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this review could probably cover up quite a number of things...

11:18 AM  
Blogger elnellis said...

i concure! it was terrible!
wish id listened to you....

1:26 PM  

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